
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas!

May your hearth be warm! L.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

DECEMBER | Get in the MOOD

December is the month of lights (lighting candles to celebrate Santa Lucia) and Christmas, my fave day.
We don't need anything to be well but the ones we love (ourselves to begin!).
Getting old, I become more intimist and these are four simple things that I'm doing right now and get me in the mood of december:

- an hot spiced cup like this Spiced Chamomile Ginger Hot Toddy from Life and Style (detailed recipe and tips here) + many other seasonal inspiring recipes every week.

- my fave 2018 calendar (free! inscribe yourself to the newsletter, download it here and print it) thanks to the talented Vera of Paulsvera

- reading (again) The Fairy tales and Stories of H.C.Andersen - the real ones! sometimes cruel but mindful.

- peeking through the Instagram accounts of institutional places all over the world to look at Christmas adobes and events - like famous department stores (here Les Galeries Lafayette and Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche in Paris)

A sparkling hug! L.

*Spiced Chamomile Ginger Hot Toddy from Life and Style
Ingredients: (1 Serving): 2 cups/500ml/16floz hot water, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 cloves (whole), 1 tbsp chamomile (or tea bag), 2.5cm ginger (or tea bag), 4 tbsp Manuka honey, juice of ½ lemon Optional: Apple slices, star anise, 4 tbsp whisky (for a tipple)
Method: Heat water in a pan, add cinnamon stick, cloves, boil, simmer for 10 mins. Remove from heat, remove cinnamon & cloves. Add ginger, chamomile, leave to infuse for 10 mins with the lid on. Remove ginger, chamomile. Add honey, lemon juice, (whisky/bourbon), Heat, stir until honey is dissolved.
Notes: Packed full of anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, flavonoids, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes. Manages diabetes, eases arthritis, rheumatism, muscle spasms, boosts immunity, anti-allergy (hay fever), lowers stress, fights anxiety, depression, regulates sleep, soothes gastrointestinal, digestive and reproductive/PMS systems, skin disorders and creates youthful radiance and glossy, healthy hair. A warming hug from the inside out, perfect for chilly weather!
Serving Notes: Serve with a slice of lemon stuck with cloves, apple slices, star anise